The universe is made out of stories.

The universe is made out of stories.


Steve Jobs once said, “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller”. The power of our words and our stories cannot be underestimated. It is one of the many ways we connect to others and create meaning in the world. Our words allow us to convey emotion and value to others. They become bridges that connect our ideas to reality.

Writing for your own projects, products & offerings can pose a unique challenge. Often we are too close to our ideas to clearly communicate what they are to someone new. We can get lost in the detail and miss the opportunity to connect our message to our audience. Hiring a copywriter can provide you with the opportunity to have someone see your work with fresh eyes and express what you do in the most aligned & comprehensive way possible.

Like all of my services here at DELTAVENUS, copywriting is also approached from a channelled perspective. What this means in simple terms is that I approach your copywriting from an energetic perspective and communicate your message in the unique voice of your offering. Ultimately, you want to end up with copywriting that sounds how your offering feels. It is my honour to tune in and channel the copy that connects your energy to your audience.

Don’t limit the potential of the work you are creating with stock-standard, robotic AI copy. Enliven the story behind the energy you are offering the world with meaningful copy. Pricing starts from $350AUD ($235USD) per 500 words. Get in touch for a formal quote.